Monday, January 5, 2009

new years resolsucksions

Totes off to a great start with 2009. How many blog posts are starting with that exact line? Anyway, I didn't make any "official" specific resolutions, but one great big umbrella of a resolution that covers many specific points and behaviors. I resolve to be a) awesome and b) more of an adult. That means buying more adult-like clothing, cleaning more, cooking for myself more, and getting better grades as well as getting an internship! Basically, be more awesome than I already am. I know right, it's a challenge to top this monster of a gal. But I sure as hell am going to.

I started tonight with my room. I found out that my head sheds a lot of hair. And most of that hair ends up on black clothing. No, its not just because that clothing is darker therefore easier to spot blonde hairs on's science. I have about 4 piles of laundry to finish tonight and then just to unload my car/unpack my Christmas presents and I am officially a woman. Its a fact.

Anyways, babysitting is going great. I got both of them down for at least 45 minutes at the same time today which was sick nasty. I gotta go though because The Secret Life of the American Teenager is on and I'm a 12 year old girl on the inside. BUT NOT FOR LONG!

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