I really need to start going to bed earlier. This whole staying up until 2am thing is really starting to fuck with me. Lately, I've been getting really dizzy out of no where. It started happening over the summer and then went away after a few weeks, but its picking up again and in full swing. A few weeks back, I was in dance class and I got sudden dehydration symptoms like I did back in high school...like I was blind for a few minutes and got sweaty REALLY fast. It was so weird. I think I need more a) water and b) sleep.
On a much less boring note...I am gonna do an article on the Victoria's Secret Pink competition between colleges for a class and I might try to submit it to some websites or The Broadside or something if it's good enough. I think the whole ordeal is Hilar-i Duff, especially since it got to the point where schools were literally hacking the system. Good ol' Vicki's Sekey definitely didn't mark down Drexel's some 5 million votes though, those fuckers. I ain't even curr though...VCU can beat us in basketball but I'll be damned if they get customized school sweat pants before we do!
Also, I got the keratin hair straightening treatment at work on Monday and I finally washed it tonight. It's, how you say, FUCKING AWESOME! My hair dried like, completely straight which is totally daaaank. I'm about to go straighten and style it and then go to bed because I gotta wake up early and get a bronzing treatment. Ahhh lyfe.
Also, halloween is offish at JMU this year, AND Ryan and I are going to catch the homecoming game the next day. Can you say, chicka chicka yeahhhh?
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13 years ago
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